Slimexol is a soft gel capsule that contains virgin coconut oil and black seed oil that helps to reduce deposited unnecessary fat in the body. It helps to speeds up the metabolism that helps catabolizing fat. It helps to reduce the food appetite that causes higher calorie intake.
Black seed oil
Nigella sativa helps to decrease body weight by suppressing the appetite. Suprresing the appetite is associated to the neural circuits that regulate catecholaminergic seretogenic and peptidergic system or via circulating leptin hormone signaling the brains satiety center to produce hyphagic effects which is translated into weight loss.
Virgin coconut oil
Virgin coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acid (MCFA) and long chain fatty acids (LCFA) ratio of 3:1. Medium chain fatty acids are rapidly absorbed in the intestine without catalyzing by pancreatic enzymes. MCFAs are carried by the portal vein to the liver where they are rapidly oxidized to the energy. MCFA does not deposit in fat deposits. Consumption of VCO decreases fat mass and body fat percentage with a non-significant increase in free fat mass. According to the conducted study consumption of VCO after four weeks causes a mean reduction of weight and anthropometric measurement. This indicates consumption of VCO causes reduced body fat specifically in the abdominal area. Similarly, it does not change in lipid profile of the individual.
90 capsules
Black seed oil
Thymoquinone in black seed oil act as the active ingredient.
Virgin coconut oil
Medium chain fatty acids in virgin coconut oil act as key compound for virgin coconut oil to support lose weight.
Recommended for:
Reduces body fat, specifically abdominal body fat.
Controls and reduces the food appetite.
Decrease the absorption dietary cholesterol.
Shelf life:
Two years
Directions for use:
2-4 capsules daily three times a day.
GMP, HACCP, ISO 22000,ISO 14001, Halal, Fair choice